has thousands of acres of private farm, estate and winery listings in Virginia. If you are a qualified buyer in the $1mm to $100mm price range please call or email us for details.
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Virginia Farms for Sale
The state’s slogan actually says, Virginia is for lovers, but it also encompasses lovers of land, mountains, history, and beach. If you have a love of the land and also of natural beauty, you have come to the right place. You can have views of the ocean, or of the mountains and everything in between. Valleys and hiking trails may call your name as much as the land does and with its temperate climate, Virginia is raved about in terms of growing seasons. If you aren’t too hot on it being cold, you’ve come to the right state, with its barely there winter, you’ll be warming up in the spring in no time!
Farming in Virginia
Farms differ across the state as the soil type changes where you’re at. Deciding on what you want to grow or raise, will help us solidify your choices in making the right farm your home. If you have past experience with farming or if you are just starting, there’s something perfect for you just waiting to be picked. From raising livestock such as cattle or boilers to owning a working CSA farm, there is a right farm for you.
What you’ll find in Virginia
Virginia is a mix of everyone and every type of activity imaginable. Want to go hiking, to a renowned museum, or to a historical landmark? You can do this all in one day and usually in surrounding counties. Virginia offers amusement parks and critically acclaimed restaurants all within a quick drive away from basically any point in the state. Virginia is also situated perfectly in the mid-Atlantic seaboard, with close access to really eastern or mid-west state a quick day’s drive away or a direct flight from DC from most places in the country and overseas. Â
What Makes Virginia Farms Unique
The real question is, what doesn’t make Virginia unique? Being so close to the DC Metro area with all its city life, having wonderful ocean beach towns, and having sleepy mountains towns, are just a few items that make Virginia unique. Virginia is also home to many high-ranking colleges and universities, prep schools, and public schools if you have school-aged children. Virginia has a thriving winery scene and farm to table restaurants have never been more popular or delicious. Â
Navigating to your Next Home or Farm
We have made it easier than ever for you to find your next home and future farm! You can either navigate through the site by choosing the drop-down boxes featured on this page and choosing your all or some of the following your dream area, price, bedrooms, and acres, then push the SEARCH button. You can also navigate to the top of the page and scroll over the headers of the different areas such as Charlottesville or Richmond and select which county or general area you’d like to begin your search in. From there you will be taken to a new page where you’ll be able to view your results.
Please call us at 877-646-8800 if you are interested in buying and starting your future today! Virginia is for Farm Lovers!
The Farms listed on this website are all over 30 acres. If you are interested in farms with less acreage please call us, 877-646-8800.